Slag & Aggregate Sales

What can slag material be used for?

Slag is another alternative to using everyday gravel and rock. Our slag material can be used for a wide variety of projects. Our bigger materials can be used for construction fill, work roadways, and landscaping. Some of our smaller material can be used for driveways, material for construction projects, landscaping, and used for areas that need drainage.

*Our material is different than a lot of other places that produce slag. We have a magnet go over it while being processed.  

What we have used some of our products for!

57 Slag

One of our haul roads we added 57s to, in order to make a smoother ride to get slag for our plant.

Asphalt Grindings

The roadway near our scale house is made up of all asphalt grindings that were packed down with a machine and it gives a better driveway for trucks to go around to pick up material.

57 Slag

This is one of our main driveways for drivers to come back to our plant.  With our material you do not have to worry about there being metal in it which can pop tires like you would be getting from other companies.

Check out our samples at our scale house!

Our scale office is located right inside of our gate (the blue building). We have samples of all of our slag, crushed concrete, and other products in outside of our scale office for you to check out before purchasing.

Materials & Pricing


Oversize - $14.50/Ton

  1s&2s - $14.50/Ton

 304 - $14.50/Ton

4s - $14.50/Ton

57s - $14.50/Ton

8s - $14.50/Ton

Fines - $10.00/Ton


Recycled 1s&2s - $14.50/Ton

Recycled 304 - $14.50/Ton

Landscape Stone

(Seasonal Items!)

Boulders - $75.00/Ton

5in and up - $35.00/Ton

 4in and below - $25.00/Ton

Bank Run - $12.00/Ton

Fill Sand - $10.00/Ton


Fill Dirt - $10.00/Ton

Asphalt Grindings - $12.50/Ton

Asphalt Double Ground Grindings -  $16.50/Ton

**We accept clean concrete, brick, & fill dirt. You just pay $50.00 per load to drop it off.**

*Delivery is available for an additional price, depending on location.

Slag Fines

Mill Scale Slag Fines

57s Slag

 304 Slag

4s Slag

1s & 2s Slag

Oversize Slag

Fill Sand

Bank Run Landscape Stone

2-4in Landscape Stone

5in+ Landscape Stone

Boulders Landscape Stone

304 Recycled Concrete

1s & 2s Recycled Concrete

Asphalt Grindings

Asphalt Double Ground Grindings